생존을 위한 영어

영어발음 - Word Stress

열버 2022. 11. 28. 11:01

Word Stress - 모음이 강조 들어가서 크게 길게 발음


언제나 들어맞는건 아닌 규칙

Stress on the First Syllable

Mark the word stress for a two-syllable noun or adjective on the first syllable.

office = of | fice

sector = sec | tor

expert = ex | pert

useful = use | ful


Stress on the Second Syllable

Mark the word stress for a two-syllable verb on the second syllable.

arrange = ar | range


어떤건 두 음절인게 명사나 동사일수도 명사면 앞 동사면 뒤에 강조

project (noun) = pro | ject 

project (verb) = pro | ject

Stress in Phrasal Verbs

Mark the word stress for a phrasal verb on its particle.

turn off = turn off

hand out = hand out

look forward = look | for | ward


Stress in Compound Nouns

명사 두개 합친건 앞에

desktop = desk | top

weekend = weekend = week | end


Stress in Compound Adjectives

형용사 두개 합쳐진건 두번째에, 보통 - 들어감

well-meant = well | meant

old-fashioned = old | fashioned

Stress in Compound Verbs

preposition and a verb는두번째에 

overlook = over | look

understand = under | stand


Stress on Prefixes

Prefixes 보통 강세 X

indifferent = in | dif | frent

misplace = mis | place

unplanned = un | planned


Stress Before the Suffix

밑의 suffixes 전에 강세

  • -cian
  • -eous
  • -graphy
  • -ial
  • -ian
  • -ic
  • -ical
  • -ify
  • -ious
  • -ity
  • -ogy
  • -sion
  • -tal
  • -tion


economic = e | co | no | mic

possibility = po | ssi | bi | li | ty

Canadian = Ca | na | di | an

technological = tech | no | lo | gi | cal


Stress on the Suffix

밑에 suffixes 있으면  마지막 syllable 강세

  • -ese
  • -eer
  • -ee

engineer = en | gi | neer


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