Syllable - 단어 구성하는 모음
Prefixes and Suffixes
unhelpful = un | helpful
researcher = re | search | er
Compound Words
override = over | ride
workplace = work | place
Single Middle Consonants
career = ca | reer
audit = au | dit
Double Consonants and Blended Sounds
Divide a word between two middle consonants.
account = ac | count
perform = per | form
Don't divide a word between consonant blends or digraphs. (ex-st, sp,ph,ey)
instruct = in | struct
respond = re | spond
Vowel Digraphs
Don't divide a word between vowel digraphs.
value = val | ue
meaning = mean | ing
Consonant + “le”
able = a | ble
handle = han | dle
음절 갯수 확인하는 팁. 손등을 턱밑에 놓고 턱이 손등 치는 횟수
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